Beate Naake

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The lawyer Beate Naake is a German university professor .

Naake stayed until 1999 after completing her studies, with the first state examination in 1996, as a research assistant at the TU Dresden . After her legal traineeship at the Dresden Higher Regional Court , which she completed in 2002 with the second state examination, she was admitted to the bar in 2003 . In 2008 the Evangelical University of Dresden appointed Naake as professor . There she heads the examination board and the social science training institute .

According to her own statements, her focus as a lawyer was on labor and social law . Her research focuses on child day care . As a secretary , Naake is a member of the federal board of the German Child Protection Association . In addition to this office directs the Child Protection Commission, the structure is curator of the foundation, it represents the National Coalition and performs tasks as an editor true (as of 2020).

Web links

  • Profile . In: . (With list of publications)

supporting documents

  1. a b profile . In: . Retrieved April 9, 2020.
  2. ^ Marlies W. Fröse , Beate Naake, Maik Arnold (eds.): Leadership and organization . Springer, 2019, doi: 10.1007 / 978-3-658-24193-3 , p. 532 ( ).
  3. dpa / tmn: prepare children for family court . In: . June 16, 2017. Retrieved April 9, 2020.
  4. Prof. Beate Naake . In: . Retrieved April 9, 2020.