Examination Board

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With Examination Committee on the one hand refers to a panel of experts that an examination decrease (examination), and on the other hand, a body that by a parent body for the performance of the acts for testing operations or situations temporarily or permanently is used.

Acceptance of examinations (exams)

Examination board at universities

The examination board is composed of employees from a university or another college , who do not all necessarily have to be professors . It decides on admission to the intermediate and final exams , as well as the recognition of performance certificates. Furthermore, he often has extensive powers in the interpretation, application and further development of study and examination regulations . The Examination Committee also acts as a complaint and auditor in disputes regarding the procedure and evaluation of examinations.

Examination boards for professional examinations

The IHK exams in vocational training and further education are carried out by voluntary examiners. At least one teacher belongs to the examination board.

Examination boards for proficiency tests


Examination of processes or facts

Examination board in companies

Company supervisory bodies often set up a committee to review accounting ( audit committee ).

Examination board of state institutions

In Austria , the audit committee has "the task of being a reviewing collegiate body to determine whether the management is economical, economical and expedient and in accordance with the municipal budget, whether it complies with the law and other regulations and is correctly offset. The audit committee also has to convince itself of the correctness of the cash management and the management of the asset and debt account as well as the register of communal property. "

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Law on the Order of Crafts (Handwerksordnung), Section 33
  2. ^ Ordinance of the Upper Austrian provincial government, with which rules of procedure for the examination committees of the municipalities are issued, July 1, 2002, § 1 Duties of the examination committee