Ben Benson

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Ben Benson (* 1915 in Boston , Massachusetts , † 1959 in New York ) was an American author of crime novels .


Benson volunteered in 1938 and served in the U.S. Army through late 1945 . Returned to the United States, he settled near New York and began writing.

At the age of 44, Ben Benson died of a heart attack in New York and found his final resting place there.


Benson invented "Inspector Wade Paris of the Massachusetts State Police," a main character in 10 crime novels. Benson contrasted this extremely calm and deliberate policeman with “Ralph Lindsay”, also from the MSP, who was permanently characterized by hectic, excessive zeal and violations of duty.

Works (selection)

  • Lady with a past. Crime stories ("The frightened ladies"). 2nd edition Goldmann, Munich 1972, ISBN 3-442-03296-2 .
  • The Chinese horse. Detective novel ("Beware the pale horse"). Goldmann, Munich 1960.
  • Feeling is out of fashion. Detective novel ("The silver cobweb"). Goldmann, Munich 1961.
  • Decoy in silk. Detective novel ("Target in taffeta"). 3rd edition Goldmann, Munich 1977, ISBN 3-442-04372-7 .
  • The powder keg. Detective novel ("The black mirror"). Goldmann, Munich 1965.
  • Rich people can do anything. Detective novel ("Alibi in dusk"). Goldmann, Munich 1961.
  • Revolt in the penitentiary. Detective novel ("The nineth now"). 3rd edition Goldmann, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-442-04757-9 .
  • Sex in black. Detective novel ("The blonde in black"). Goldmann, Munich 1966.
  • She loved life. Detective novel ("Lily in her coffin"). Goldmann, Munich 1974, ISBN 3-442-04348-4 .
  • Seven steps east. Detective novel ("Seven steps east"). Goldmann, Munich 1960.
  • The bacon in the trap. Detective novel ("The affair of the exotic dancer"). Goldmann, Munich 1970.


  • Armin Arnold u. a. (Ed.): Reclams Kriminalromanführer . Reclam, Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-15-010278-2 , p. 68.
  • Otto Penzler: Detectionary. A biographical dictionary of leading characters in detective and mystery fiction . Overlook Press, Woodstock, NY 1977, ISBN 0-87951-041-2 .