Benedetto Verino

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Benedetto Verino (* 1512 , † 1570 ) was probably an Italian engraver , of the Rome of the Renaissance worked.

Based on old sources, assumptions have been made that he could be an illegitimate son of the better-known copper engraver Marco Antonio Raimondi (* 1480, † 1534). Further assumptions to see in him the anonymous copper engraver Meister with the cube were largely rejected in art history.

Individual evidence

  1. see B. Fillon: Nouveaux Renseignements sur Marc-Antoine Raimondi. Lettre à M. Georges Duplessis . In: Gazette des Beaux-Arts, March 1880, pp. 229ff.
  2. ^ So also Albertina Vienna (ed.): The art of graphics 3, Renaissance in Italy, 16th century . Catalog exhibition February to May 1966. Vienna, 1968
  3. so z. B. Engraving . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 11. Leipzig 1907, pp. 840–844