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Beniowski is an epic verse by the Polish romantic Juliusz Słowacki .

The work is called "Digressionsepos" (a new creation in the German language from the French of digression = digression, wandering around). Important pioneers of this genre are, for example, “ Der Rasende Roland ” by Ariost or “ Don Juan ” by Lord Byron .

The model for Beniowski was the exciting life of the adventurer Moritz Benjowski , who was deported to Siberia by the Russian Tsarina Catherine II in 1768 after the war in the Bar Confederation .

German translation

  • Juliusz Słowacki : Beniowski. A poetry. Translated and edited by Hans-Peter Hoelscher-Obermaier. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1999, ISBN 3-518-41093-8 ( Polish Library ).