Authority and purpose of the sermon

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Authorization and mandate of the sermon.jpg

Authorization and order the sermon is the title of a booklet of pietistic revivalist preacher Franz Eugen Schlachter , the biblical background to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is.

It shows the role of the sermon in relation to “ bearing witness ”. “Witnessing” was practiced extensively by the Salvation Army around 1900 in Schlachter's time . He also discusses the question of a preacher's personal calling and concludes that without a personal divine calling, no real ministerial activity is possible. He deals with the topic intensively and from various perspectives.

The 1964 edition published by Ernst Gilgen Verlag, Schriftenmission, Basel, also contains a short biography of Franz Eugen Schlachter . It is written by Gottfried Fankhauser . It is the same article that appeared in the last edition of Schlachter's study book Der Schriftforscher 1911. Fankhauser was in part butcher's successor as editor of the magazine Brosamen von des Herr Tisch .