Berg- und Hüttenwerkgesellschaft Ost

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The Berg- und Hüttenwerkgesellschaft Ost mbH (BHO) was a monopoly company founded by Hermann Göring on August 20, 1941, owned by the German Reich . This company received the monopoly to operate entrepreneurial activities in the field of coal and iron industry in all areas of the Soviet Union conquered by the Wehrmacht . All of the coal and steel industries captured on the territory of the Soviet Union passed into the possession of this imperial company.

According to the articles of association, the business purpose of the company was: "The extraction, processing, processing, processing, utilization and distribution of coal , of ores required for iron and steel production , of iron and of iron-processing products as well as the sale of the resulting products Called products and by-products. The company had the exclusive right to operate and use the existing facilities in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union for coal and ore mining, the iron- making industry, the foundry industry and the directly connected facilities in the iron-processing industry, and was responsible for all measures and legal transactions entitled, which served to promote the company's purpose. In particular, it is authorized to shut down or close operations or parts of operations managed by it, to lease them or to sell them by passing them on to other companies. "

The company was founded with a share capital of 60,000 Reichsmarks (RM). According to the partnership agreement, the aim was to dissolve the company on December 31, 1944 after the business purpose had been fulfilled , i.e. the transfer of all captured businesses to other state or private companies.

At the instigation of Hermann Göring, the general director of the Reichswerke Hermann Göring Paul Pleiger was appointed director of the new company. The company played a key role in starting in May 1942 Ivan program for the use of Soviet heavy industry for armaments purposes of the German Wehrmacht.
