Mountain owl

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Mountain owl
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Strix
Type : Mountain owl
Scientific name
Strix newarensis
( Hodgson , 1836)

The mountain owl ( Strix newarensis ) is a species from the family of real owls. It occurs in three subspecies exclusively in Southeast Asia. For a long time it was considered a subspecies of the Malay Owl . In more recent literature it is assumed that the mountain owl forms a superspecies together with the Malay Owl, Niaskauz and Bartelskauz .


With a body size of around 46 to 55 centimeters, the mountain owl is one of the large species within its genus. Feather ears are missing. The face veil is pale ocher and surrounded by a thin dark border. The region around the eyes is black, but this feature is less pronounced than in the barbed or Malay owl. The top of the body is otherwise strong chestnut brown. Red-brown colors, which occur in the Malay Owl, Niaskauz and Bartelskauz, are missing in the mountain owl. The throat is whitish. The underside of the body is whitish with darker, brown horizontal stripes. The barrels are feathered. The eyes are dark brown.

It can be confused with the Malay Owl , whose facial veil is more reddish. The Himalayan tawny owl , on the other hand, is smaller like the barbed owl and more conspicuously striped on the underside of the body.

Distribution area

The range of the mountain owl is relatively large. It stretches across the entire Himalayas from Pakistan to Nepal, Sikkim and Burma. It is also found in northern Thailand, Laos, northern Vietnam and southeastern China. The islands of Hainan and Taiwan are also inhabited by the mountain owl. Mountain owls usually live at altitudes between 1,000 and 2,000 meters above sea level. Occasionally, however, they also come at altitudes of 4,000 meters above sea level. in front.

Way of life

The mountain owl is only active at night and at dusk. Especially at dusk, he is extremely vocal. It transmits in the thick foliage. If he is discovered, drongos in particular hate him, whose loud calls then also attract other bird species. He is extremely shy of humans and flies up very quickly when disturbed. The food spectrum consists of small mammals. He also catches birds that can be the size of a pheasant. Bamboo chickens and wood partridges play a relatively large role in its prey spectrum. Reptiles also have a meaning.

It breeds in the Himalayas from February to April. It mainly breeds on ledges or below ledges. The clutch usually consists of two eggs. The breeding period has so far only been observed in one mountain owl and lasted for 30 days.

supporting documents

Single receipts

  1. König et al., P. 359
  2. König et al., P. 360
  3. König et al., P. 360
  4. König et al., P. 361
