Mining technologist

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The mining technologist is a German, state-recognized training occupation in accordance with the Vocational Training Act .

Duration of training

The training period to become a mining technologist is usually three years. The training takes place at the training company and vocational school .

Training allowance

The training allowance in Germany differs significantly in some places in the individual federal states. In addition, it is crucial whether the training company is a company that is bound by collective bargaining agreements or not. The average training allowance for the profession of mining technologist in Germany is € 728 in the first year, € 819 in the second and € 907 in the third year of training.


As of August 1, 2009, the profession replaces the apprenticeship as a mountain mechanic from December 19, 1989 (Federal Law Gazette I. S 2502). As a result of technological change, the comprehensive basics of metalworking that were previously taught were no longer required. The duration of the training has therefore been reduced from 3.5 years to three years. With the new job title (from 'mechanic' to 'technologist'), this change should also be reflected externally.

Structure of the profession

The training occupation has the two fields of civil engineering and deep drilling technology. In the field of civil engineering, the updated content of the apprenticeship as a mining mechanic has been incorporated. With the deep drilling technology specialization, new industries can now train themselves: For example, companies that install geothermal systems have so far not had a tailor-made apprenticeship.

Work areas

Mining technologists specializing in civil engineering carry out mining work in underground and surface mining. Your jobs can be found e.g. B. in potash and rock salt mining, in ore mining or in hard coal mining. Mining technologists specializing in deep drilling work e.g. B. in deep drilling companies - preferably above ground.

Professional Skills

Mining technologists specializing in civil engineering

  • commission, operate and maintain machines, systems and equipment used in mining technology
  • assemble and dismantle machines, systems and equipment used in mining technology
  • process materials and use control technology
  • assess mine buildings and analyze geological conditions
  • drive mines, maintain, store and secure them
  • determine ventilation and air conditioning conditions and requirements and initiate appropriate measures
  • carry out logistical processes of transport and conveyor technology
  • participate in the development of the deposits
  • use tunneling and extraction processes
  • bring in backfill and landfill material
  • take driving systems into and out of operation and use them
  • observe the regulations of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
  • work quality, team and process oriented

Mining technologists specializing in deep drilling technology

  • commission, operate and maintain machines, systems and equipment used in mining technology
  • assemble and dismantle machines, systems and equipment used in mining technology
  • process materials and use control technology
  • analyze geological conditions
  • contribute to the adaptation and dimensioning of the mined cavity
  • make drill holes and check them
  • participate in borehole measurement and cementation
  • process drilling fluids and use them
  • monitor the processes of drilling technology and raw material extraction
  • carry out logistical processes of transport and conveyor technology
  • observe the regulations of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
  • work quality, team and process oriented

Vocational schools

The trainees visit z. B. the vocational school in the district of Ohrekreis in Haldensleben or the state vocational school center in Sondershausen in Thuringia. The general school curriculum for mining technologists applies to trainees.

Employment of women

Up until now, women were generally not allowed to be employed in underground mining. There were exceptions B. if an internship had to be completed. With the third SME Relief Act of March 17, 2009, the Federal Mining Act was changed in Article 16a. With the abolition of Section 64a of the Federal Mining Act, women can now also learn this training and then be employed in underground mining.

Occasionally women have already started training (as of 2011).

final exam

The professional competence in this occupation is proven by an extended final examination .

The final examination in civil engineering consists of a total of five examination areas:

  1. Examination area "assembly technology"
  2. Examination area "Storage facility"
  3. Examination area "Mining Logistics"
  4. Examination area "Mining Technology"
  5. Examination area "Economics and Social Studies"

The final examination in deep drilling technology also consists of five examination areas:

  1. Examination area "assembly technology"
  2. Examination area "Storage facility"
  3. Examination area "Mining Logistics"
  4. Examination area "drilling technology"
  5. Examination area "Economics and Social Studies"

Part 1 of the final examination with the examination areas "assembly technology" and "storage facility" as well as the examination area "economics and social studies" from part 2 is identical in both subjects. In the “Mining Logistics” examination area, however, different skills must be demonstrated depending on the subject. Part 1 of the final examination is weighted with 30% of the overall result, part 2 with 70%.

Examination area "assembly technology"

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) use technical documents,
b) plan and coordinate work processes,
c) Select and use equipment and tools,
d) Carry out assembly orders in compliance with occupational health and safety and environmental protection,
e) check installed assemblies for functionality,
f) apply test procedures,
g) Document the results and
h) be able to use forms and rules of communication.

To prove these competencies, he must carry out up to two work samples, hold a situational technical discussion with the examination board and work on written assignments. He has a total of four hours for this, of which up to three hours for the work samples including a situational technical discussion of a maximum of ten minutes. 60 minutes are available for the written tasks.

Examination area "Storage facility"

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) describe geological and rock-mechanical conditions,
b) differentiate between methods of deposit development,
c) Select equipment for creating cavities and justify their selection,
d) Evaluate documents for the infrastructure and
e) can carry out mass, pressure, area and volume calculations.

The trainee must work on a comprehensive task in writing in 120 minutes and document the results in a form that is customary in practice.

Examination area "Mining Logistics" (specializing in civil engineering)

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) plan and carry out mining logistics orders,
b) define technical and organizational interfaces,
c) use technical documents,
d) Select and use means of transport and funding,
e) design and carry out driving taking into account occupational safety and
f) can analyze and document hazards in mining logistics processes and take measures for occupational safety and for environmental and health protection.

The trainee carries out a work sample in a total of four hours, conducts a situational technical discussion of a maximum of ten minutes and works on written tasks in 60 minutes.

Examination area "Mining Technology" (specialization in civil engineering)

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) plan and coordinate work processes,
b) define technical and organizational interfaces,
c) use technical documents,
d) Build, maintain and store mine workings taking into account safety requirements,
e) extract raw materials,
f) ventilate and air-condition mine workings as well
g) can control and evaluate work results.

The trainee carries out two work samples in a total of 5.5 hours, conducts a situational technical discussion of a maximum of ten minutes and works on written tasks in 90 minutes.

Examination area "Mining Logistics" (specializing in deep drilling technology)

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) plan and carry out transport orders,
b) define technical and organizational interfaces,
c) evaluate and apply technical documents,
d) differentiate between the components to be transported and determine their technical condition, transport dimensions and weights,
e) Select lifting gear as well
f) analyze and document hazards in logistical processes and take measures for

Occupational safety and health protection.

The trainee carries out a work sample in a total of four hours, conducts a situational technical discussion of a maximum of ten minutes and works on written tasks in 60 minutes.

Examination area "Mining Technology" (specializing in deep drilling technology)

In this examination area, the trainee should prove that he

a) analyze, evaluate and carry out drilling processes taking into account geological, technical, economic, legal and ecological conditions,
b) document drilling processes,
c) analyze disturbances in the drilling process and initiate measures to eliminate the disturbance.

The trainee carries out a company assignment in a total of 16 hours, documents this with practice-related documents and conducts an assignment-related technical discussion with the examination board of a maximum of 30 minutes.

Examination area "Economics and Social Studies"

In this examination area, the trainee should demonstrate in 60 minutes that he is able to present and assess general economic and social relationships in the professional and working world.

Weighting of the examination areas

The examination areas are weighted as follows:

Assembly technology 10 percent
Deposit 20 percent
Mining logistics 20 percent
Mining technology or drilling technology 40 percent
Economics and Social Studies 10 percent

Passage regulation

The trainee has passed his final exam if the performance

  1. in the overall result of parts 1 and 2 of the final examination with at least "sufficient",
  2. in the result of part 2 of the final examination with at least "sufficient"
  3. in at least two examination areas of part 2 of the final examination with at least "sufficient" and
  4. in no examination area of ​​part 2 of the final examination with "unsatisfactory"

have been assessed.

An oral supplementary examination of around 15 minutes is possible in the examination area "Economics and Social Studies" if the final examination can be passed. The prerequisite is that these examination areas were rated worse than "sufficient". A supplementary oral examination to improve the grade is not possible.

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 7, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 153 kB). Website of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Retrieved September 6, 2010.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Profile: Mining Technologist . In: azubify . ( [accessed on January 23, 2018]).
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from April 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Training profile on the website of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Archive link ( Memento of the original from April 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Training profile on the website of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. List ( Memento of the original from January 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. the recognized training occupations for which transnational specialist classes are set up, with details of the receiving countries (vocational school locations) and catchment areas. Status of the 22nd update: June 25, 2010 - valid from August 1, 2010 on the KMK website. Retrieved September 6, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. [1] (PDF; 1.0 MB) Framework curriculum for the mining technologist on the KMK website. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  7. PDF ( Memento of the original from April 20, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (78 kB) Third SME Relief Act on the website of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Retrieved September 6, 2010.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Please note: Due to the applied rounding to a multiple of three, the numbers cannot be used

Web links