Bernarda Morin

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Statue of Bernarda Morin in Santiago de Chile in front of the church of their congregation

Bernarda Morin (* 1832 in Saint-Henri-de-Lévis , Québec , Canada ; † October 4, 1929 in Santiago de Chile ) was a nun and founder of the Congregación de las Hermanas de la Providencia en Chile (German: Congregation of the Sisters of Providence in Chile), an autonomous branch of the Sœurs de la charité de la Providence (founded on March 25, 1843 by the Blessed Émilie Gamelin ).


Bernarda Morin joined the Sœurs de la Charité de la Providence in Montreal , Canada, on May 11, 1850, as a postulant . She was dressed on November 21 of the same year . She made her perpetual profession on August 22, 1852 .

She and four other sisters came to Chile on June 17, 1853. The Archbishop of Santiago, Valentín Valdivieso, entrusted the sisters with the care of a large orphanage ( Casa Nacional del Niño ), in which Sisters of the Order worked until 1941. On January 3, 1857, a novitiate was established in Santiago de Chile and Sister Bernarda was appointed novice mistress a month later . The congregation received extensive help from President Manuel Montt in caring for neglected children. On March 12, 1880, the Montreal-Autonomous Congregation received approval from Pope Leo XIII. On January 7, 1905, the statutes were finally approved by Pope Pius X. The congregation spread rapidly in the country and founded schools, children's and old people's homes, orphanages and hospitals. Sister Bernarda Morin was given the highest honor in the country, the Medalla del Mérito , by President Arturo Alessandri on June 27, 1925 . She died in 1929 and was buried in the convent church of the Congregation in Santiago, Providencia district, built in 1892. On January 24, 2011, a fire destroyed the interior of the church.

Sr. Bernarda Morin and Sr. Joseph du Sacré-Cœur have contributed significantly to the expansion of the Congregation worldwide.

On July 1, 1970, the Chilean Sisters were incorporated into the Montreal Congregation. Chile and Argentina together form the province of Bernarda Morin .

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