Bernd Neunzling

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Bernd Neunzling (born September 30, 1969 in Kaiserslautern ) is a German actor and author .


In 1995 he wrote and played father! Complex! (WP: Tuchfabrik Trier), in 1996 he played the leading role in the award-winning short film Jesus does not participate anymore (director: Uwe Thein) and the plague doctor in “Witches Burn” at the Trier Theater; In 1997 he won the RPR1 Comedy Prize in Trier . The following year he played in the play "Zapping". After the solo piece Mr.King or the journey to Timbuktu (premiere 2001 City Theater Erlangen), the two-person piece Kleine Würste followed , which premiered in October 2003 at the Sommerhaus theater. In 2008 he played the role of Romero in the award-winning short film Brother's Keeper (director: Martijn Smits), which was shown in the main program at the Utrecht Film Festival, among others.

In 2001 he published the audio book Schlagschatten nach Paul Auster .

Individual evidence

  1. Witches Burn ( Memento from August 4, 2012 in the web archive )
  2. Zapping. Retrieved June 22, 2019 .
  3. Small sausages ( Memento from April 7, 2005 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Bernd Neunzling in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  5. ↑ Drop shadow. The Hör-Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-89584-775-5