Bernd Waas

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Bernd Waas (born December 13, 1960 ) is a German law scholar and professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .


Waas studied law at the Universities of Tübingen and Munich . In 1986 he passed his first state examination in law, and in 1989, after completing his legal clerkship, his second. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEG) University of Trier . There he became a Dr. in 1992 under the supervision of Rolf Birk with a thesis on corporate labor law in Great Britain. iur. PhD. In 1998 he became senior academic councilor at the University of Trier. After research stays in Johannesburg and Leiden funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the DFG , Waas completed his habilitation in Trier in 2002 with the previously unpublished work Die Tarifgebundenheit and received the Venia legendi for the subjects of labor law, civil law and comparative law.

After an initially provisional professorship, he held the chair for civil law, labor law and comparative law at the Distance University in Hagen from 2004 and was director of the local institute for German and European labor and social law. In 2009 Waas changed to the chair for labor law and civil law, taking into account the European and international aspects of labor law at the University of Frankfurt am Main , which he has held since then.


Waas' research focuses primarily on comparative labor law and European labor law.

  • UK corporate labor law . Nomos, Baden-Baden 1993, ISBN 978-3-7890-3011-6 (dissertation).
  • Tariff competition and tariff plurality . Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 978-3-7890-6236-0 .
  • Collective agreement and transfer of operations - The continued validity of collective bargaining regulations in the case of a transfer of operations in accordance with Section 613a (1) p. 2-4 of the German Civil Code . Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999.
  • Third-party effects of the peace obligation - the collective bargaining legal status of the employer in the industrial dispute . Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 978-3-428-10584-7 .
  • Holland model? - Flexibility and security in labor law in the Netherlands . Nomos, Baden-Baden 2003, ISBN 978-3-8329-0284-1 .
  • with Werner Stuhlmeier and Lothar Funk : Labor Market Theories - An Economic-Legal Introduction . 3. Edition. Springer, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-7908-1789-8 .
  • Gender quotas for the composition of the executive bodies of companies - evaluation of the current drafts from a European and comparative law perspective . Saarbrücker Verlag for Law, Saarbrücken 2012, ISBN 978-3-86194-080-7 .
  • Works council and working hours, lump-sum compensation and exemptions beyond the law . Saarbrücken publishing house for law, Saarbrücken 2012, ISBN 978-3-86194-092-0 .
  • with Wolfgang Grunsky , Martina Benecke and Stefan Greiner : Labor Court Act: ArbGG - Comment . 8th edition. Vahlen, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-8006-4659-3 .

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