Bernhard bow dance

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Bernhard Bogentan (t) z , also: Berogintancz (* 1494 in Liegnitz ; † around 1540 in Liegnitz?) Was a German music theorist.


Bow dance undertook musical studies with Johannes Cochlaeus from 1508 to 1509. From 1510 to 1515 he is in Goldberg , Silesia , where he conducts philological studies with Hieronymus Cingulatorinus . After he had his music treatise published, he worked from 1516 to 1524 as a master's degree at the University of Cologne , moved to the University of Wittenberg in 1525 and went to Liegnitz in 1530 as rector of the St. Peter grammar school .

In Liegnitz, the reports about him tear off. However, it appears that he himself changed the title of his music treatise in the second edition. These "Collectanea utriusque cantus" (Cologne 1515) are based on the model of the "Musica" of Cochlaeus (Cologne 1507) and are intended for school or self-instruction in the elementary book of music theory of the humanist era.


Rudiments utriusque cantus . Cologne 1535 (= 2nd edition of the music treatise); New edition in: H. Hüschen: The music tract of Bernhard Bogentantz . Diss. Cologne, 1943.
