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City of Schmallenberg
Coordinates: 51 ° 10 ′ 32 "  N , 8 ° 25 ′ 27"  E
Height : 584 m
Residents : 226  (Dec. 31, 2019)
Postal code : 57392
Area code : 02975
Nordenau (Schmallenberg)

Location of Nordenau in Schmallenberg

Aerial view of the town center (2013)
Aerial view of the town center (2013)
The center of Nordenau in winter with the preserved keep of the Rappelstein ruins
Nordenau 1914 with the chapel from 1765

Nordenau is a district of the city of Schmallenberg in the North Rhine-Westphalian Hochsauerlandkreis .


The climatic health resort in Schmallenberger Sauerland lies on a mountain saddle between 600 and 800 m above sea level. NN above the Nesselbach valley about two kilometers north of Westfeld . Neighboring places are Nesselbach , Lengenbeck , Inderlenne , Westfeld and Ohlenbach .


Norderna Castle was built around 1200 by the noblemen of Grafschaft on the old Heidenstrasse . In 1513, the settlement of Nordenau was first mentioned in a court dispute. In 1645, Nordena was mapped on the Westphalia Ducatus map. Since 1866 slate has been mined in the Nordenau mines "Brandholz I" and "Brandholz II" . In 1895, 147 residents lived in Nordenau, according to the entry in the trade and business address book of the Province of Westphalia. In the 1950s, up to 120 people worked in the fire wood slate quarries.

On January 1, 1975, Nordenau was incorporated into the town of Schmallenberg with the community of Oberkirchen , to which it belonged until then. The "Brandholz I" pit had to stop mining in 1980 because the deposit was exhausted. Slate mining was completely stopped in 1992 . The last mine hunt reached daylight on February 28, 1992. A total of around 80,000 tons of slate were mined. Around 5000 meter long tunnels were developed on an area of ​​60 hectares.


Nordenau is a state-approved climatic health resort . There are four hotels and 41 pensions in the village .


The small town with old half-timbered houses, some of which are over 200 years old, is crowned by the ruins of the keep of Rappelstein Castle , which once offered hikers, merchants and warriors protection on the old Heidenstrasse, which led here over the ridge of the Rothaargebirge .

The main attraction for visitors is the Nordenau “Brandholz” healing cave with over 100,000 visitors a year. The miraculous effect of the “Brandholz I” gallery, also known as the “German Lourdes” or the “Wunderstollen”, was discovered by a guest in the Tommes hotel's wine cellar in 1991.

See also: List of architectural monuments in Schmallenberg and List of natural monuments in Schmallenberg


The place has sports and hiking opportunities in the coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, a spa park and the forest adventure trail "Eulenweg". In the immediate vicinity of the winter sports resorts in the Sauerland, Winterberg and Altastenberg , Nordenau also offers winter sports opportunities.


On March 3, 1765, the Vicariate General in Cologne approved the construction of a chapel. This was built within a year in the Renaissance style below the ruined castle and demolished in 1925. In the same year, today's St. Hubertus Church was built on the same site.

Sons and daughters of the place

View of Nordenau
SGV square with trolleys from the slate mining industry
  • Heinrich Schauerte (born November 17, 1882 in Schmallenberg-Nordenau, † August 6, 1975 in Schmallenberg-Fredeburg) was professor of religious folklore and first chairman of the Sauerland Heimatbund.


  • Alfred Bruns: Nordenau , p. 663 ff. In Oberkirchen - Court and Parish Oberkirchen, City of Schmallenberg (ed.), 1981
  • Heinrich Schauerte: Nordenau , Sauerland-Verlag, Iserlohn, 1928
  • Friedrich Albert Groeteken : The daughter community of Nordenau , in History of the Parish of Oberkirchen, 1949

Web links

Commons : Nordenau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population figures Schmallenberg 2019 , accessed on July 3, 2020
  2. Sauerlandkurier: 500 years of Nordenau - historical anniversary celebration is due in May 2013 , 26th year, August 15, 2012, p. 17
  3. Volker Wrede: Roofing slate mining in the Sauerland (doc; 82 kB)
  4. ^ Alfred Bruns: Oberkirchen --gericht and Kirchspiel Oberkirchen , p. 460 and p. 663 ff., Stadt Schmallenberg (ed.), 1981
  5. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 335 f .
  6. Sign on Nordenauer Astenstrasse
  7. Der Spiegel 49/1997, You are glowing like an oven, accessed on June 25, 2010
  8. ^ Alfred Bruns: Oberkirchen - Court and Parish Oberkirchen , p. 702, Stadt Schmallenberg (ed.), 1981