Bernhard Körner

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Bernhard Körner (born July 6, 1949 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian Roman Catholic theologian and priest . He is emeritus professor for dogmatics at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Graz .


Bernhard Körner, b. 1949 in Klagenfurt, studies of theology and English at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz . Ordained priest in Graz in 1976, then chaplain at Graz Cathedral, student chaplain in the Catholic university community in Graz and spiritual at the seminary. In 1979 he received his doctorate in theology. From 1983 habilitation studies at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Tübingen with Max Seckler , habilitation 1991 with the thesis Melchior Cano. A contribution to theological theory of knowledge (Graz 1994).

Since 1993 full professor for dogmatics at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz ; various functions in the faculty, most recently dean from 2003–2005.

In the last few years various functions also in the diocese of Graz-Seckau and on a national level: member and chairman of the working committee of the priests' council; Ecumenical officer of the diocese; Representative of the diocese in the Ecumenical Commission of the Austrian Bishops' Conference, member of the Mixed Catholic-Evangelical Commission in Vienna, member of the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Austria. 

Since 2005 Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education and Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology.

Research priorities

  • Theological theory of knowledge (books: Melchior Cano , De locis theologicis. A contribution to theological theory of knowledge; interpreting the Bible as God's word. Historical-critical exegesis and dogmatics.)   
  • Theological-spiritual topics (books: What comes from heaven must grow out of the earth. Path of Christian calling. God's presence. A journey of discovery into the meaning of the Eucharist. Spiritual accompaniment and the sacrament of penance. Impetus for practice.)
  • The theology of Klaus Hemmerle and Hans Urs von Balthasars . (numerous articles)

honors and awards

For his work as a pastor in the Malteser Hospitaldienst Austria , Körner was awarded the Cross of Merit pro piis meritis of the Order of Merit Melitensi by the Sovereign Order of Malta .


  • Melchior Cano. De locis theologicis. Wuerzburg 1994.
  • What comes from heaven must grow out of the earth. Way of Christian calling. Innsbruck 2002.
  • God's presence. Innsbruck 2005.
  • Spiritual accompaniment and sacrament of penance. Wuerzburg 2007.
  • Live faith - study theology. Innsbruck 2008.
  • Interpret the Bible as the Word of God. Historical-critical exegesis and dogmatics. Wuerzburg 2011.
  • Joyful and fearless. Read again the Second Vatican Council. Graz 2012.
  • Good reasons for a life in the church. Innsbruck-Vienna 2012.
  • Places of Faith - loci theologici. Wuerzburg 2014.

On the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

  • "Fundamental theology with Hans Urs von Balthasar", in: ZkTh 109 (1987), 129-152.
  • “The unconditional, God and the aesthetic. An attempt based on the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar ”, in: G. Larcher, J. Rauchberger (ed.), Unconditional Signs (Graz, 1995), 23-25.
  • “Untraceable and plausible. Revelation, Reason and Theological Aesthetics ”at HU v. Balthasar, in: G. Larcher (ed.), Gott-Bild. Broken through modernity. FS KM Woschitz (Graz, 1997), 209-222.
  • "Jesus must be catholic. The uniqueness and universality of Christ in the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar", in: T. Merrigan / J. Haers (Ed.), The Myriad Christ. Plurality and the Quest for Unity in Contemporary Christology. Leuven 2000, 417-432.
  • “Word of God, which testifies to the word of God. Hans Urs Balthasar on the interpretation of scriptures ”, in: ZKTh 124 (2002), 397-415.
  • “Ecclesiastical theology. In conversation with Henri des Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar ”in: KJ Wallner (ed.), Auditorium Spiritus Sancti. Festschrift for the 200th anniversary of the Philosophical-Theological University of the Cistercian Abbey of Heiligenkreuz. Heiligenkreuz 2004, 186-215.
  • “Dogmatics in conversation with Hans Urs von Balthasar. Facts and open possibilities ”, in: W. Kasper (ed.), Logic of love and glory of God. An interview with Hans Urs von Balthasar. Ceremony for Karl Cardinal Lehmann. Mainz 2006, 401-422.

On the theology of Klaus Hemmerle / on the Trinitarian ontology

  • "La gnoseologia teologica alla luce di una ontologia trinitaria", in: P. Coda, L. Zak (Edd.): Abi-tando la Trinità. Per un rinnovatmento dell`ontologia. Città Nuova, Roma 1998
  • "Thinking beyond the Reef: The Cross, Faith and Reason in the Trinitarian Ontology of Klaus Hemmerle", in: Communio. International Catholic Review XXVI, No. 4 (Fall 1999), 662-681.
  • “Il Padre come luogo della teologia nella prospettiva dei loci theolgici”, in: Nuova Umanitá XXII / 6 (2000), 851-861.
  • “Dalla Theologia Dei alla Teologia di Gesù”, in: Nuova Umanitá XXIV (2002 / 2-3), 249-263.
  • "Theology based on communication an multiple causality. Klaus Hemmerle's Trinitarian Ontology as a starting point for a new paradigm of theology ", in: J. Haers / P. de Mey (Ed.), Theology and Conversation. Towards a Relational Theology. Leuven 2003, 255-268.
  • “God - the other one? Reflections in conversation with Klaus Hemmerle ”, in: C. Wessely (ed.), Art of Faith - Faith of Art. The view of the 'unavailable other'. Regensburg 2006, 166-182.
  • “Relationship-wise fragments to the Triune God as the key to reality”, in: Ebenbauer, Peter / Renhart, Erich (ed.): Trinität. The three unity of God in theological and artistic discourse. Graz: Graz University Press / Leykam 2012, 241-257.
  • “The Logos is given anew in faith in Jesus Christ. Some observations on faith and reason with Klaus Hemmerle ”, in: PATH 7 (2008), 169-178.

To theological theory of knowledge

  • “La storia come locus theologicus in Melchor Cano”, in: I. Biffi e C. Marabelli (Ed.), La Teologia dal XV as XVII secolo. Metodi e prospettive. Milan 2000.
  • “Mysticism and Spirituality - a Locus Theologicus? First indications based on the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar ”, in: Rivista Teologica de Lugano VI / No. 1 (2001), 221-238
  • "Melchior Cano, De locis theologicis", in: M. Eckert / E. Herms / B.-J. Hilberath / E. Jüngel (eds.), Lexicon of theological works. Stuttgart 2003, 182-183
  • “Conditions of Remembrance. Theological suggestions for a social task ”, in: K. Prenner / E. Heimerl (eds.), Culture and Memory. Contributions to the history of religion, culture and theology. Regensburg 2005, 153-174.
  • “'Becoming one of testimony and witness in the community of witnesses'. Knowledge in Faith and Spirituality of Community ”, in: PATH 5 (2006), 55–71.
  • “New interest in the teaching of the loci theologici. Report and Outlook ", in: PATH 9 (2010), 397-418.
  • “Self-tradition of God through Jesus Christ. Aspects of a theological theory of knowledge with Walter Kasper ”, in: George Augustin / Klaus Krämer / Markus Schulze (eds.): My Lord and My God. Confess and proclaim Christ. Freiburg / Basel / Vienna: Herder 2013, 279-293.
  • “Transfer of ownership to the church as a basic act of knowledge of faith. Joseph Ratzinger in comparison with Max Seckler “, in: Maximilian Heim / Justinus C. Pech (ed.), On the center of theology in the work of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedikt XVI., Regensburg, Verlag Friedrich Pustet 2013, 63-78.
  • "Truth - for God's and the people's sake", in: Justinus C. Pech / Alkuin Schachenmayr (ed.), Between Philosophy and Theology. Interpretations of central fundamental theological terms. Heiligenkreuz: b & b 2013, 23-37.

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