Bernhard von Pollheim

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Bernhard von Pollheim zu Wartenburg (* 1456 in Upper Austria ; † January 13, 1504 in Vienna ) came from an old Upper Austrian noble family. His father was the imperial field colonel Weikart von Pollheim , his mother Barbara a née von der Traun . He was a lawyer, canon in various monasteries and monasteries, and administrator of Vienna.


Bernhard studied at the University of Padua , obtained the Doctor juris utriusque and was even elected rector of the university in 1478. In the same year he received a canonical in Passau , soon afterwards in Traunkirchen , Stuhlweissenburg and Dömös in the Diocese of Gran. From 1487 to the end of his life he was pastor of Vöcklamarkt . Emperor Friedrich III. and King Maximilian I entrusted him with various political missions. Pope Alexander IV appointed him administrator of Vienna on March 18, 1500 . Right at the beginning of his term of office, a lively pilgrimage to Rome began, which, accompanied by a papal bull, had to assert itself against the plague, pirates and other inconveniences. On this occasion there were indulgences to be obtained in St. Stephen's Cathedral .


  • General Lexicon of Fine Arts from Antiquity to the Present , ed. by Hans Vollmer. Vol. 27. Leipzig: EA Seemann 1933, pp. 38-39
  • Karl Öttinger: Anton Pilgram and the sculptors of St. Stephan . Herold, Vienna 1951.
  • Martin Krexner, Franz Loidl : Vienna's bishops and archbishops . A. Schendl, Vienna 1983, ISBN 3-85268-080-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Krexner, Franz Loidl : Vienna's bishops and archbishops . A. Schendl, Vienna 1983, ISBN 3-85268-080-8 .
  2. Friedrich and Gisela Pillichshammer: Five hundred years of late Gothic parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt" Vöcklamarkt . In: Pfarramt Vöcklamarkt (ed.): Festschrift . 2013.