Bertram C. Brookes

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Bertram Claude Brookes (born February 7, 1910 , † June 10, 1991 in London ) was a British statistician and information scientist .


After working for the Royal Air Force and the Ministry of Supply during the Second World War , BC Brookes worked at University College London (UCL) from 1947 . Until 1968 he was a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering at UCL, with a special interest in statistics and scientific information. In 1951 a textbook on mathematical-statistical methods was published, which he wrote with WFL Dick.

From 1966 until his retirement in 1977 he was a professor at the School of Librarianship and Archives of the UCL. He was then visiting professor at the University of Western Ontario and, from 1984 until his death in 1991, at City University London . In 1989 he and Jan Vlachý received the Derek John de Solla Price Award from Scientometrics magazine .


In 1968 Brookes published his first fundamental work on the Bradford distribution ( Bradford's law ), which was to be followed by others, thus opening up an intensive study of bibliometric distributions that continues to this day . Brookes made other important contributions to information retrieval , the aging of scientific literature, the foundations of information science and its philosophical aspects.

Writings on Bradford's Law (selection)

  • The derivation and application of the Bradford-Zipf distribution , Journal of Documentation, Vol. 24 (1968), No. 4, pp. 247-265
  • Theory of the Bradford law , Journal of Documentation, Vol. 33 (1968), No. 3, pp. 180-209
  • Bradford's law and the bibliography of science , Nature, 224: 953-956 (1968)


  • Alexandra Shaw: BC Brookes and the development of information science: a bibliography , Journal of Information Science, Vol. 16 (1990) pp. 3-7

Individual evidence

  1. Stephen Robertson: BC Brookes, 1910-1991 , Journal of Information Science, Vol. 17 (1991) p. 253
  2. ^ BC Brookes, WFL Dick: Introduction to Statistical Method , London: Heinemann, 1951 (2nd ed. 1969)
  3. Alexandra Shaw: Comments on Bertram C. Brookes, recipient of the 1989 Derek de Solla Price award , Scientometrics, Vol. 19, No. 3–4 (1990) pp. 153–155