Bertrand Mansoer

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Bertrand Mansoer (also Mazoir or Masoier , * after 1131, † after July 23, 1217) was Lord of Margat (Marqab) in the Principality of Antioch and son of Reinald II Mansoer of Margat .

After the death of his father around 1185 he inherited his castle and rule Margat. Due to financial difficulties in maintaining the castle and castle garrison, he finally sold Margat on February 1, 1186 for an annual pension of 2,000 gold Byzantines to the Order of St. John .

He had been married to Bermonde († after 1186), the daughter of Walter III , since 1178, at the latest since June 1183 . Brisebarre , Lord of Beirut and his second wife Agnes. He had three children with her:

  • Reinald III. († before July 23, 1217);
  • Beatrix;
  • Agnes († after March 25, 1239) ∞ Aimerich Barlais († before June 6, 1253), son of Reinald Barlais and Isabella von Bethsan.

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predecessor Office successor
Reinald II. Mansoer Herr von Margat
Order of St. John