Heidelberg Professional Development Agency

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The SRH Berufsförderungswerk Heidelberg ( BFW Heidelberg ) is an educational institution serving vocational rehabilitation in Heidelberg . The BFW Heidelberg is part of the SRH Berufliche Rehabilitation GmbH. The company offers qualifications, care and therapy for people with physical and / or mental disabilities. The sponsor is SRH Bildung GmbH, a Heidelberg education company that belongs to SRH Holding .

Participants at the BFW Heidelberg have the opportunity to choose an apprenticeship or degree in the following areas: business and administration, IT and telecommunications, technology, metal and service professions, media, health and social affairs. The training period is usually two years and includes - depending on the profession - an IHK-certified degree or a technical college degree. An important part of any training at the BFW Heidelberg is the practical reference in addition to the theoretical knowledge transfer. The participants can already gain practical experience during their training in practice firms and learning workshops. 

A prerequisite for vocational rehabilitation is the assumption of the costs by a responsible service provider according to SGB ​​IX . People who are unable to work or are at risk of incapacity to work must apply for benefits for participation in working life .

The costs are usually borne by the employment agency or the German pension insurance as well as professional associations .

If approved by the service provider, it is also possible to study. This is offered in cooperation with the SRH University Heidelberg , which is also located on the SRH Campus Heidelberg.

Individual evidence

  1. Training & Studies. Retrieved March 27, 2019 .
  2. Retraining - vocational rehabilitation: your 2nd chance. Retrieved March 27, 2019 .