Applicant pre-selection

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The applicant preselection , also known as personnel preselection, is intended to select those people from the group of applicants for a job who are primarily considered for the position to be filled because they meet the requirement profile. Conversely, applicants who are not suitable for the position to be filled should be filtered out. Applicant pre- selection is part of the recruiting process . It is usually carried out by HR officers.

Criteria and instruments

In the case of traditional applications, the application documents submitted are viewed and analyzed as part of the pre-selection process. As a rule, the following points are always checked:

  • Compliance with the formalities, in particular the absence of errors and completeness of the application documents
  • Motivation of the applicant
  • Testimonies
  • Completion of the résumé

If the application relates to a position in the public service in Germany, attention is usually also paid to whether the applicant is severely disabled or equated with a severely disabled person . If there is a severe disability or equality, public employers are generally obliged to invite the applicants concerned to job interviews ( Section 165 sentence 2 SGB IX). The characteristic “severe disability” is therefore already taken into account in the pre-selection process in favor of the applicants.

Further instruments of applicant pre-selection are:

On the basis of the results of the pre-selection process, a decision will be made as to which people will remain in the application process and which people will drop out.

Outsourcing and use of recruitment software

The pre-selection of personnel can - depending on the number of applications to be analyzed - be time-consuming and therefore labor-intensive. For this reason, some companies outsource this and possibly other steps in the recruitment process to external service providers (so-called recruitment process outsourcing ). The personnel service providers make a pre-selection from the applicants. The commissioning company is only confronted with applicants who meet the requirements profile.

Other companies rely partially or exclusively on online applications for their personnel recruitment. The data entered by the applicants in the online form can be automatically compared with the requirements profile of the position. A manual comparison is not necessary. However, the final pre-selection of applicants is not carried out by software, as otherwise the prohibition of automated individual decision-making ( Section 6a (1) BDSG ) would be violated.


  • Ricarda Reinhardt: On the reliability and validity of pre-selection . 1st edition. Shaker Verlag, 2005, ISBN 978-3-8322-4982-3 .
  • Petra Goth: Select employees. Personnel diagnostics in practice. Basics - practical aids - practical example . Ed .: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e. V. 1st edition. W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-7639-3858-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Petra Goth: Select employees. Personnel diagnostics in practice . 2009, p. 42 .
  2. Petra Goth: Select employees. Personnel diagnostics in practice . 2009, p. 44-45 .
  3. Peter Gola, Andreas Jasper: The Federal Data Protection Act at a Glance. Information on the BDSG when used in the private sector. Explanations, diagrams and organizational aids . 6th edition. Datakontext, 2010, ISBN 978-3-89577-620-5 , p. 32 .