Bhasan Char

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Bhasan Char
Waters Bay of Bengal
Geographical location 22 ° 22 ′  N , 91 ° 23 ′  E Coordinates: 22 ° 22 ′  N , 91 ° 23 ′  E
Bhasan Char (Bangladesh)
Bhasan Char
length 6.9 km
width 4.5 km
surface 7.7 to 40 km²dep1

Bhasan Char ( Bengali ভাসান চর , previously Thengar Char , Bengali টেঙ্গার চর ) is an island in the mouth of the Meghna River , which is part of the national territory of Bangladesh .

The island was initially flooded for several months during the monsoon season and was uninhabitable; after 2015, construction measures built protection against flooding and an infrastructure.


Bhasan Char is a young island that formed around 2006 from silt deposited by the Meghna. Although Bangladesh has one of the highest population densities in the world, settlement of the island was initially out of the question because of its flooding by the monsoon rains. Only with the arrival of more and more Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh were settlement plans for the island discussed from 2015. The government developed resettlement plans in 2015, according to which the island should be provided with an infrastructure in order to subsequently resettle around 32,000 Rohingya. Mangroves were planted to protect the land from erosion. The plans were finalized in 2018. The Chinese construction company Sinohydro began building a dike to protect against flooding, roads were laid out and a model settlement was built. The costs for the construction measures are expected to amount to approximately 280 million US dollars.


The size of the island is given as about 40 km².

However, human rights activists from the Society for Threatened Peoples stated the size in 2018 as 7.7 km², which roughly corresponds to the area enclosed by a protective dike in the northern part of the island.

Individual evidence

  1. "Bangladesh: report de l'inauguration de l'île pour les Rohingyas" of October 1, 2018
  2. Samya Kullab: "The Trouble With Thengar Char" from February 23, 2017
  3. ^ "UN concern at Bangladesh plan to move thousands of Rohingya to flooded island" The Guardian of June 14, 2015
  4. Sugam Pokharel and Ben Westcott: "Thousands of Rohingya refugees may be sent to remote Iceland" CNN January 31, 2017
  5. Fazlur Rahman Raju: "'We hope Rohingyas can move here within 6 months'" of March 5, 2018
  6. Md Kamruzzaman: "Bangladesh in final phase to resettle Rohingya to islet" of November 6, 2018
  7. "UN rapporteur visits Bangladeshi island chosen for Rohingya relocation" of January 24, 2019
  8. ^ "Criticism of the planned resettlement of Rohingya on prison island in Bangladesh" of October 12, 2018
  9. ^ "" Floating Island ": New home for Rohingya" of March 6, 2018