Biała Dama

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Biała Dama

Biała Dama is a Polish vodka brand that has been produced by the Polmos Łańcut distillery in Łańcut since 1764. The vodka is distilled from wheat in a triple distillation and mixed with clear water to 40% alcohol by volume . According to the manufacturer, Biała Dama should have a “delicate, unobtrusive and aromatic note” and its character is described with the words “purity, class, elegance and style”. It is subtitled Luxurious Vodka . Vodka has been marketed in Poland in bottles of 50, 350, 500 and 700 ml for over 200 years . It was launched in the United States in 1994 , but only the two largest bottles of 500 and 700 ml are sold there. In 2002 this export version was awarded a gold medal by the Beverage Testing Institute . In the test, the vodka achieved 92 out of 100 possible points, which means it was classified as exceptional .

The name Biała Dama (German White Lady ) goes back to a story according to which a white woman is haunted in the rooms of the castle. The ghost is said to be Julia Potocka , the daughter of the former owner Izabella z Czartoryskich Lubomirska .

Individual evidence

  1. German translation of the manufacturer's information

Web links