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Bibrax was a Remer town in Gaul , Belgium , mentioned in Caesars De bello Gallico .

It was eight miles (12 km) from a camp on the Aisne that Caesar had set up. It is either identical to today's Vieux-Laon or Camp de Saint-Thomas ( Aisne department ).

According to Caesar, Bibrax was founded in 57 BC. Besieged by the Belgians . When Caesar sent help to the Remern , the Belgians withdrew after devastating the area and were later defeated by Caesar.

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Individual evidence

  1. Caesar: De Bello Gallico, second book, chapter 6 , Latin original
  2. ^ Yves Lafond: Bibrax. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 2, Metzler, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-476-01472-X . ( online )
  3.,+Hans/Geschichte+der+Kriegskunst/1.+Teil.+Das+Altertum/7.+Buch.+C%C3% A4sar / Chapter 4. + The + submission + of the Belgians? Hl = bibrax