Bidders organ

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As the Biddersche organ or Bidder organ is a will rudimentary ovary in the males of toads ( amphibians referred family bufonidae). This characteristic is considered an anatomical characteristic for the taxonomic delimitation of the family from other frogs . Experimentally, it has been shown that after removal of the inner testes, the Bidders' organ develops into a functional ovary (ovary).

The organ was named after the German physician Friedrich Heinrich Bidder (1810-1894).


  • Brown, FD et al .: Bidder's organ in the toad Bufo marinus: effects of orchidectomy on the morphology and expression of lamina-associated polypeptide 2. Dev Growth Differ. 2002 Dec; 44 (6): 527-35. PMID 12492511
  • Farias, CF et al .: Bidder's organ of Bufo ictericus: a light and electron microscopy analysis. Micron. 2002; 33 (7-8): 673-9 PMID 12475564