Educational institution of the Baden-Württemberg economy

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Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft e. V.

legal form eV
founding 1971
Seat Stuttgart
management Stefan Küpper (Management Spokesman)
Number of employees 700 (2020)
Branch education

The educational center of the Baden-Württemberg economy e. V. has been a partner for companies and their associations , for schools and universities, for politics and administration for almost 50 years .


With the Academy for Personnel and Organizational Development and the two companies Apontis GmbH and BBQ Education and Professional Qualification gGmbH , it sees itself as a strategic training and personnel service provider.

The Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft eV is certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and AZAV (Accreditation and Approval Ordinance for Employment Promotion) of the Federal Employment Agency . That is why the Biwe Group is a recognized training provider within the meaning of the Baden-Württemberg Education Time Act.


The Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft eV was founded in 1971 by employers' associations and companies from Baden-Württemberg. The subsidiary Apontis GmbH was founded in 2000 . The BBQ Vocational Education and Training , today BBQ Education and Professional Qualification gGmbH , followed in the year of 2005.


The Biwe Group consists of the Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft eV, the Akademie im Bildungswerk and the companies Apontis GmbH and BBQ Bildung und Berufliche Qualifikation gGmbH .

The Biwe Group employs around 700 people in over 52 branches and 3 training centers.

Business areas

Total E-Quality

For the fourth time, the project sponsoring company BBQ has received the Total E-Quality award. With the award from the Total E-Quality Deutschland e. V., organizations from business, science and administration are honored that are particularly committed to equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace. The award is valid for three years until 2022.

Integration course provider

The Biwe Group is approved by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as a carrier for the implementation of integration courses via BBQ .

iMOVE: Training - Made in Germany

The Bildungswerk has been part of the “iMOVE: Training - Made in Germany” network, launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the internationalization of German training and further education services.

Seal of approval for basic education in the workplace

The educational institute is the bearer of the seal of approval “Basic education for the workplace” of the ADBW e. V.

Diversity Charter

In 2014 the Biwe Group signed the Diversity Charter . The Diversity Charter is a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. The patron is Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel . The initiative has been supported by the Charter of Diversity Association since 2010. V.

Web links