Biotopes City

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Biotope City is an urban planning concept of the "city as nature", which was presented under this name by Helga Fassbinder in 2002 at an international urban planning congress of the same name at the Technical University of Eindhoven . The concept explicitly refers to densely populated cities and postulates a new green aesthetic for urban planning that not only takes sustainability requirements into account with a new design language , but also offers people forms of expression for their longing for closeness to nature.

The concept Biotope City understands the city as nature , i. H. the city is described as one of the diverse manifestations of nature. This rejects the conventional conception of a city-rural contrast as an idea that is no longer tenable. This is justified with empirical findings that show that the biodiversity in cities is greater than in the countryside, which with its monoculture largely shows only an impoverished form of nature.

Biotope City is based on an integral view of life in its diverse forms as a mutually dependent system to which humans also belong.

In 2004 Helga Fassbinder established the Biotope City Foundation, the aim of which is to promote the Biotope City concept through publications, lectures, media work and model projects.

For this purpose, the Biotope City Foundation has also published the online journal Biotope City Journal since 2006 , on which numerous experts from various disciplines from all over Europe and the United States collaborate. The journal contains articles and reports in German, French, English and Dutch.

Since the early 2010s, the Biotope City Foundation, together with the City of Vienna, has been developing a new development on the former Coca-Cola site near Wienerberg in the 10th district . Around 900 apartments are to be built there, around two thirds of which will be funded by the City of Vienna. The new quarter, called Biotope City, is to be implemented as a “green” city, but also to serve “as a city laboratory, research area and experimental field”. The quarter will be part of the International Building Exhibition in Vienna 2022. Construction began in 2018, and the first buildings are due to be completed in 2019.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Foundation | Biotopes City. Accessed August 6, 2018 .
  2. ^ Biotope City Journal. Accessed August 6, 2018 .
  3. New district "Biotope City". Website of the City of Vienna, accessed on August 2, 2018 .
  4. ^ Biotope City on the former Coca-Cola area near Wienerberg. IBA Vienna 2022, accessed on August 2, 2018 .