Blue Madagascar Iguana

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Blue Madagascar Iguana
Oplurus fierinensis imported from iNaturalist photo 57873804 on 27 January 2020.jpg

Blue Madagascar Iguana ( Oplurus fierinensis )

Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Toxicofera
without rank: Iguana (Iguania)
Family : Madagascar iguanas (Opluridae)
Genre : Oplurus
Type : Blue Madagascar Iguana
Scientific name
Oplurus fierinensis
Grandidier , 1869

The blue Madagascar iguana ( Oplurus fierinensis ) is a species of lizard from the genus Oplurus within the family of Madagascar iguanas (Opluridae). He lives in island populations in the region around Toliara in southwestern Madagascar .


The Madagascar blue iguana reaches a total length of 28 cm, of which 18 cm is the tail. The body is short and stocky. The strong legs offer a secure hold on the smooth granite rocks. The basic color is a shade of gray which, depending on the intensity of the light, can change into a sky blue with a radiant luminosity. The ventral side is solid gray.


The blue Madagascar iguana is a pure rock inhabitant. It lives in free-standing rocky outcrops in the hot savannah and in the impenetrable thorn bush forests.

Way of life

Of all Madagascar iguanas, the Madagascar blue iguana is best adapted to a way of life in the rocks. Due to its color, it is well camouflaged on the blue-gray rocks. Locals call these iguanas "Lo-lam-ba-lo", which roughly translates as "Spirit of the Rocks". When in danger, the animals seek shelter in small crevices in the rock.


  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Henkel, Wolfgang Schmidt: Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, the Mascarene, the Seychelles, and the Comoro Islands. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar FL 2000, ISBN 1-57524-014-9 , p. 146.
  • Uwe Schlüter: Madagascar iguanas - way of life, care and reproduction . - KUS-Verlag, Rheinstetten, 2013. ISBN 978-3-9808264-8-8 .

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