Blue sea wolf

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Blue sea wolf

Blue Sea Wolf ( Anarhichas denticulatus )

Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Subordination : Cottoidei
Partial order : Eel mother relatives (Zoarcales)
Family : Sea wolves (Anarhichadidae)
Genre : Anarhichas
Type : Blue sea wolf
Scientific name
Anarhichas denticulatus
Krøyer , 1845

The blue catfish ( Anarhichas denticulatus ) is a marine fish of the family of the Sea Wolves . He is from 1.40 to 1.80 meters long and comes in the northern Atlantic Ocean along the coast of Norway , in the Barents Sea , in the Faroe Islands , in Iceland , on the coast of southern Greenland and in the western Atlantic from Labrador to the coast of Newfoundland before .


The fish have an elongated body and are blue-black in color. There are some pale spots on the side.

Way of life

The blue sea wolf lives on soft soils, at depths of 60 to 900 meters. It feeds mainly on invertebrates such as jellyfish, mussels , sea ​​urchins and crabs, but also on fish. He prefers less hard-shell foods than his relatives.


Since the flesh of the blue sea wolf is watery, it is of little economic importance; in Russia the blue sea wolf is caught with longline in the Barents Sea .


  • Bent J. Muus, Jørgen G. Nielsen: The marine fish of Europe in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Atlantic. Kosmos, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-440-07804-3 .

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