Bluff (card game)

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Bluff is a card game for two participants. Part of the game is deceiving (bluffing) the opponent.



Typically, bluff is played with eleven cards of one suit , e.g. E.g .: ♣ A- ♣ 2- ♣ 3- ♣ 4- ♣ 5– ♣ 6– ♣ 7– ♣ 8– ♣ 9- ♣ 10- ♣ J


The first dealer is drawn, in the next game the opponent gives and so on alternately. Each player receives two cards, the fifth card is placed face down in the middle, then each player receives three cards. Whoever correctly names the count of the middle card when it is his turn is the winner. At the beginning of the game, of the eleven cards in play, only five cards in hand are known to the individual player. The probability of correctly naming the middle map is just under 17%.


To increase this probability, the opponent alternately asks for a card in the opponent's hand. This one has to tell the truth . If he carries the requested card, he must put it face up on the table. If he doesn't, he answers with no and it is now his turn to ask the opponent for a card. If you were only asked about cards that you do not have in your hand, the opponent would know if he denies that the requested card is in the middle and he would win. Each player can deceive (bluff) and ask for cards that he himself has. The respondent therefore does not know whether the negative card is on the table or is with his opponent. If one of the players has bluffed, this will be revealed in the next game round. If the question was true, the player would correctly name the middle card, reveal it, and have won the game. He must put this card face up in front of him. After every relevant question from the opponent and also after your own bluff, mine has to discard a card face up in front of you in the next round.

End of the game and evaluation

The number of cards decreases from round to round and the probability of knowing and naming the count of the middle card increases. If you name the middle map correctly, you get a plus point, if you name it incorrectly you get a minus point.
