Boelie Kessler

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Hermann Johannes "Boelie" Kessler (born November 30, 1896 in The Hague ; † August 17, 1971 ) was a Dutch football player who, like his brother Dolf , who was twelve years older than him, and his cousins and Tonny Kessler for the HVV from The Hague and in played for the Dutch national team.

Like his cousin Dé, Boelie Kessler was a "born footballer", but only made his debut in the national team at the age of 22, in the first game after the World War - one of seven debutants alongside veterans like his cousin Dé, Just Göbel , Leo Bosschart and Cas Ruffelse , who had played in the Oranje Elftal in 1914 and earlier . He scored his first goal for his home country in his second match on April 5, 1920, namely the first goal in the 2-0 win against Denmark . Until November 1922 Boelie Kessler was an irregular, but repeated, member of the NVB squad , but was not on the list of players who competed for the Netherlands at the Olympic Games in Antwerp . His last of nine missions (with two goals) was in the 5-0 defeat at Bern's Spitalacker against Switzerland ; he was replaced by Appie Groen after half-time .

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Individual evidence

  1. Ad van Emmenes with CH Geudeker, Beter voetbal , p. 96; Online version viewed April 23, 2009