Boethus of Carthage

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Boethos of Carthage ( Greek  Βόηθος ), son of Apollodorus , was a Greek sculptor of the 2nd century BC. Chr.

Pausanias names among the statues that stood in the Heraion at Olympia the statue of a naked seated boy made of gilded bronze, which the Carchedonian (= Carthaginian ) Boethos created. A statue base from Ephesus also names Boethos from Carthage, son of Apollodorus. The sculpture of the boy with the fox goose has often been connected to this base , but this is rather unlikely; also the opinion that the so-called goose - choke was created by this Boethos and not by Boethos of Kalchedon .



  1. ^ Pausanias 5:17 , 4.