Bohai tunnel

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Planned route of the Bohai tunnel (red line)

The Bohai Tunnel ( Chinese 渤海 隧道 , also called Dalian Yantai Tunnel ) project provides for the construction of an undersea rail tunnel to connect the city of Dalian on the Liaodong peninsula with the city of Yantai in Shandong Province .

The tunnel would be 123 km long, 90 km of which would be underwater below the Bohai Strait. It would be longer than the Seikan tunnel and the Eurotunnel combined, which are currently the two longest underwater tunnels.

The China Railway Engineering Group , which is to connect the tunnel to the Chinese high-speed network, is to be responsible for operation . A car train is also provided, could cross the strait with the help of which cars in 40 minutes. At the moment there is a ferry that went into operation in 2007, but it takes 8 hours for this route.

The cost of this project is estimated at 220 to 260 billion yuan . The plan has been presented to the National People's Congress several times since 2009, and in 2011 it finally found its way into the Chinese State Council , which was last supposed to decide on it in April 2014.

According to the current plan, construction is to begin in 2016–2020 [obsolete] and the subsequent construction period will be 10 years.

Individual evidence

  1. NPC deputies propose Cross-Bohai-Strait channel. China Daily , March 11, 2013, accessed July 23, 2014 .
  2. a b Minnie Chan: Plan to build world's longest undersea tunnel from Dalian to Yantai. South China Morning Post , July 12, 2013, accessed July 23, 2013 .
  3. China is planning the longest underwater connection in the world. FAZ , February 14, 2014, accessed on July 23, 2014 .