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So-called praying boy in the Berlin antique collection

Boidas ( ancient Greek Βοίδας ), also Boedas (incorrectly read Bedas in earlier times ), was a c. 300 BC. Active Greek ore caster.

Boidas was, according to tradition, in Pliny , together with his working as a sculptor brothers Daippos and Euthykrates , a disciple of from Sikyon coming sculptor and brass founder Lysippos . Of his works, only one person praying, not described further, is documented in literature. Due to the close stylistic proximity to the works of Lysippus, it is often assumed that this work was in a 1st century BC. Chr. Made copy of the bronze figure of a so-called praying boy , which is now in the Berlin Collection of Antiquities . However, since the arms of this figure in the current version are a later reconstruction , probably made in the 17th century , it is unclear whether the original version actually portrayed a praying boy or a boy winner . Typological and iconographic investigations speak in favor of recognizing a victorious statue of the Ephebe class in the praying boy .

So far, the relationship between Boidas and another arch-builder from Byzantium , documented under the same name by Vitruvius , who is listed there as one of the long-forgotten artists, although he was of great talent. Possibly he made, after Dionysios Periegetes , the statue of a praying boy , which is said to have once been in the sanctuary of Zeus Urios near Byzantium. It cannot be ruled out that these are the same artist.



  1. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, p. 66 ff.
  2. Pliny Naturalis historia 34, p. 73.
  3. Werner Müller: Boidas . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 12, Saur, Munich a. a. 1995, ISBN 3-598-22752-3 , pp. 300 f. = In: Artists' dictionary of antiquity. Volume 1, 2001, p. 121 f., To be read in: E. Loewy, Römische Mitteilungen , Volume 16, 1901, p. 391 ff. And Lippold, Greek sculpture. 1950, p. 296.
  4. a b Huberta Heres: Praying boy. In: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (ed.): World treasures of art - preserving humanity. Exhibition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the victory over Hitler fascism and the liberation of the German people. Exhibition catalog Berlin 1985, p. 100.
  5. Inventory no. 2.
  6. Werner Müller: Boidas . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 12, Saur, Munich a. a. 1995, ISBN 3-598-22752-3 , pp. 300 f. = In: Artists' dictionary of antiquity. Volume 1, 2001, p. 121 f.
  7. Stefan Lehmann : The 'Praying Boy'. For the art-historical classification and interpretation of an early Hellenistic victorious picture. In: Annual books of the Austrian Archaeological Institute. Volume 66, 1997, pp. 117-128.
  8. ^ Vitruvius 3, Praefatio 2.
  9. ^ Dionysios Periegetes, Anaplus Bospori, fragment 59.