Bong (company)

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Bong GmbH
legal form GmbH
Seat Solingen , Germany
management Kai Steigleder
Number of employees 200
sales 320 million euros
Branch Envelopes , packaging industry

Bong AB
legal form Corporation
ISIN SE0000396061
founding 1737
Seat Kristianstad , Sweden
management Stéphane Hamelin ( CEO )
Håkan Gunnarsson ( CFO )
Number of employees 1800
sales 2.5 billion SEK (bong group)
Branch Envelopes , packaging industry

The Bong GmbH is a company based in Bergisch city Solingen . It is a subsidiary of the Swedish Bong AB and therefore part of the Bong Group, which has branches in 16 countries. It mainly produces envelopes and packaging and is one of the leading international manufacturers in this area.


The company was founded in 1737 as a bookbindery by Carl Fredrik Bong in the Swedish city ​​of Lund . Industrialization began in 1895 when Martin Bong took over the company . It was also he who bought the first envelope machine in 1920 to meet the personalized demands of the market. In the 1930s, the first envelopes with windows were developed under his leadership.

It remained a family business until 1988. The first company outside Scandinavia was acquired in 1995, and companies have followed throughout Europe since then. In 1997, Bong merged with Ljungdahl and became Sweden's largest envelope manufacturer. The merger with the envelope division of the Hamelin company in 2010 is seen as a milestone , from which the Bong Group emerged and is now represented in 16 European countries.

Until 2012, the German Bong GmbH had its headquarters in Wuppertal , since then on a 21,000 square meter property in the neighboring city of Solingen. The Envelopes division for Central Europe, which at Bong means the Benelux countries, Germany , Poland and Switzerland, is also operated from here. On June 29, 2020, a Covid-19 outbreak with 22 infected employees became known in the Solingen branch.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bong moves to Solingen-Gräfrath with 200 employees in the Westdeutsche Zeitung on September 25, 2012
  2. Bong History (English)
  3. Business Units (English)
  4. WORLD: Corona: Company in North Rhine-Westphalia reports 22 corona infections . In: THE WORLD . June 29, 2020 ( [accessed June 29, 2020]).