Boolean hierarchy

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The Boolean hierarchy is a hierarchy of complexity classes that are formed as Boolean combinations of NP problems.


First we define Boolean connections for complexity classes. Be two complexity classes, then

  • where is the complement of .

Based on NP, the different levels of the Boolean hierarchy (BH) can be defined:

For example and .

The Boolean hierarchy (BH) is then defined as the union of all its levels, ie .

Alternative characterization

The Boolean hierarchy can also be characterized as follows:

Characterization via the symmetrical difference

If there are two complexity classes, then is

  • where represents the symmetrical difference .

Then can be characterized as or .

Complete problems

Starting from any NP-complete problem A (e.g. SAT ), one can define a family of complete problems for different levels of the Boolean hierarchy as follows.

Given a consequences of different instances of the problem so that whenever A is also true.

  • It is complete to decide whether there are an odd number of instances in A in a sequence of length .
  • To decide whether there are an even number of instances in A in a sequence of length is complete.

Relationships to other complexity classes

  • If the boolean hierarchy collapses, then collapse the polynomial hierarchy to .
  • and

The class DP

The class DP (Difference Polynomial Time) was introduced by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis and is defined as follows. A language is in DP if and only if there are languages such that .

DP thus corresponds to the second level of the Boolean hierarchy.

SAT-UNSAT problem

The SAT-UNSAT problem is the canonical complete problem for the class DP.

A SAT-UNSAT instance consists of a pair of propositional formulas (optionally in 3- CNF ). The problem has to be decided whether it is feasible (SAT) and unsatisfiable (UNSAT).

Alternative characterization of DP completeness

The complete problems of class DP can also be characterized as follows.

A language L is DP complete if and only if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. NP is difficult
  2. coNP is difficult
  3. has the property: The language is defined as. A language has the property, if , that is, the AND operation of the language can be reduced polynomially to the language itself .

Problems in class DP

The following problems are in class DP or even DP complete.

Complete problems

In addition to the SAT-UNSAT problem, there are numerous EXACT variants of optimization problems in which one asks whether the solution has exactly a given quantity k, while with the NP variants one typically only asks whether the solution is greater or less than a Value k is.

  • EXACT TSP : Given an instance of the traveling salesman's problem and a number k. Is the shortest possible travel distance exactly k?
  • EXACT INDEPENDENT SET : Given a graph and a number k. Does the largest stable set contain exactly k nodes?
  • EXACT KNAPSACK : Given an instance of the backpack problem and a number k. Is the optimal value of the objective function exactly k?
  • EXACT MAX-CUT : Given a graph and a number k. Does the maximum cut weight k?
  • EXACT MAX-SAT : Given a propositional formula in CNF and a number k. Is the maximum number of clauses that can be satisfied simultaneously exactly k? (see also Max-3-SAT )
  • CRITICAL SAT : Given a propositional formula F in CNF. Is F unsatisfiable, but deleting any clause makes F satisfiable?
  • CRITICAL HAMILTON PATH : Given a graph. Is it true that the graph does not have a Hamilton path, but adding any edge creates a Hamilton path?
  • CRITICAL 3-COLORABILITY : Given a graph. Is it true that the graph is not 3-vertex colorable , but deleting any node makes the graph 3-vertex colorable?

Problems in DP

  • UNIQUE SAT : Given a propositional formula F in CNF. Is there exactly one interpretation that satisfies F?


  • Gerd Wechsung : On the Boolean closure of NP. In: Lothar Budach (Ed.): Fundamentals of Computation Theory (=  Lecture Notes in Computer Science ). tape 199 . Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1985, ISBN 978-3-540-15689-5 , pp. 485-493 , doi : 10.1007 / BFb0028832 .
  • Richard Chang, Jim Kadin: The Boolean Hierarchy and the Polynomial Hierarchy: A Closer Connection. In: SIAM J. Comput. tape 25 , no. 2 , 1996, p. 340-354 , doi : 10.1137 / S0097539790178069 .

Web links

  • Bra . In: Complexity Zoo. (English)
  • DP . In: Complexity Zoo. (English)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Johannes Köbler, Uwe Schöning, Klaus Wagner: The Difference and Truth-Table Hierarchies for NP . In: Theoretical Informatics and Applications . tape 21 , no. 4 , 1987, pp. 419-43 .
  2. More Complicated Questions About Maxima and Minima, and Some Closures of NP . In: Theoret. Comput. Sci. tape 51 , 1987, pp. 53-80 .
  3. ^ CH Papadimitriou and M. Yannakakis. The complexity of facets (and some facets of complexity). Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 28 (2): 244-259, 1982.
  4. ^ Richard Chang, Jim Kadin: On Computing Boolean Connectives of Characteristic Functions. Mathematical Systems Theory 28 (3): 173-198 (1995) doi : 10.1007 / BF01303054 .
  5. Christos H. Papadimitriou: Computational complexity. Chapter 17. Academic Internet Publ. 2007, ISBN 978-1-4288-1409-7 , pp. 1-49
  6. a b Christos H. Papadimitriou , David Wolfe: The complexity of facets resolved . In: Journal of Computer and System Sciences . tape 37 , no. 1 , 1988, p. 2-13 , doi : 10.1016 / 0022-0000 (88) 90042-6 .
  7. ^ Jin-yi Cai, Gabriele E. Meyer: Graph minimal uncolorability is DP-complete. In: SIAM Journal on Computing . tape 16 , no. 2 , 1987, pp. 259 - 277 , doi : 10.1137 / 0216022 .