Booty call

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Booty Call (of English booty " butt " / "prey" and call "call") is from the American native phrase and refers to the repeated (telephone) contact and conspiracy to casual sex ( casual sex ).


For the purpose of initiating sexual intercourse or other sexual activities, the partners have to make repeated contact via various communication media such as telephone , e-mail or instant messaging services ( English to give sb a booty call ). For men, easy access to attractive sex partners seems to be the most appealing aspect of this type of relationship, while women in particular use it as a “test phase” to evaluate the partner's qualities for a long-term relationship. In a study published in 2009 among American adolescents , 64 percent of the participants stated that they had made “booty calls”.


The inventor of the term is considered to be the American stand-up comedian Bill Bellamy , who joked in the HBO series Def Comedy Jam in early 1992 that women were not called by a man at two o'clock in the morning to have a conversation, but rather it is rather a "booty call". In 1997, the American comedy Booty Call - One-Night-Stand with Obstacles by director Jeff Pollack was released .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry "booty" in the Pons dictionary , accessed on January 12, 2017.
  2. ^ Entry "booty call" in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary , accessed January 12, 2017.
  3. ^ Entry "booty call" in the Urban Dictionary , accessed on January 12, 2017.
  4. ^ Entry "booty call" in the Pons dictionary , accessed on January 12, 2017.
  5. ^ A b c Peter K. Jonason, Norman P. Li, Margaret J. Cason: The “Booty Call”: A Compromise Between Men's and Women's Ideal Mating Strategies. In: Journal of Sex Research. 46 (5) 2009, pp. 460-470 ( online ).
  6. Denene Millner: 'BOOTY CALL' MAN HOT COMIC BILL BELLAMY IS OUT TO PROVE HE'S MORE THAN A ONE-JOKE HUNK. In: (July 30, 1997), accessed January 12, 2017.
  7. ^ Elon Greene: The Lost History of the 'Booty Call'. In: (June 23, 2016), accessed January 12, 2017.
  8. Bill Bellamy in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  9. Booty Call - one-night stand with obstacles in the Internet Movie Database (English)