Boris Pavlovich Belousov

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Boris Pavlovich Belousov, around 1930

Boris Pavlovich Belousov ( Russian Борис Павлович Белоусов * February 7 . Jul / 19th February  1893 greg. In Moscow ; † 12. June 1970 ) was a Russian chemist and biophysicist.

He studied chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich , but did not get a degree for financial reasons. At the beginning of the First World War he returned to Russia and worked in a military research facility until 1939. After that he headed a laboratory in the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health in Moscow .

He was posthumously awarded the Lenin Medal in 1980 for his discovery of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction (the English transcription of the name used in science ). This oscillating chemical reaction appeared so unusual at the time that Belousov was only able to publish it ten years later in 1959. Five years later it was examined more closely by Anatoly Markowitsch Schabotinsky and recognized as a non-equilibrium phenomenon. She later played a prominent role in the relevant research at Ilya Prigogine's school in Brussels.


  • István Hargittai : Buried Glory - Portraits of Soviet Scientists, Oxford University Press 2013

Individual evidence

  1. Hargittai, Buried Glory, 2013, p. 237
  2. Зачернюк А. Б. Открытие колебательных химических реакций.
  3. Belousov: Периодически действующая реакция и ее механизм (periodic reaction and its mechanism), collection of treatises on radiation medicine (Сборник, рействующая реакция и ее механизм), collection of treatises on radiation medicine (Сборник, рействующая, рействуюая, 145, реакцмик рееник редираниз , Anatol Zhabotinsky: Self-organization of chemical structures, Harri Deutsch-Verlag 1998