Macro Ge languages

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Dissemination of the Macro-Ge languages

Macro-Ge is an indigenous American language family that includes 41 languages, 23 of which are already extinct, and used to be common in eastern South America , particularly Brazil . Many macro-ge language speakers have assimilated into Portuguese and given up their mother tongue. The remaining language communities of Macro-Ge are numerically small. The most spoken language is the Kaingang language with 18,000 native speakers, spoken in the Brazilian states of São Paulo , Paraná , Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul . In terms of the number of speakers, Xavante (8000) and the Kayapó language (7000) follow . These three most spoken languages ​​all belong to the group of Ge languages .


According to Ethnologue, these languages ​​are structured as follows (although this structure contains only 32 languages):

  • Bororo Group:
    • Actual Bororo :
      • Borôro [bor]
      • Umotína [umo]
    • Otuke [otu]
  • Botocudo: Krenak [kqq]
  • Chiquito: Chiquitano [cax]
  • Fulniô [fun]
  • Ge Kaingáng Group:
    • Ge group (13 languages)
    • Kaingáng group:
      • Kaingáng [kgp] (approx. 18,000 speakers)
      • Xokleng [xok]
      • Kaingáng, São Paulo [zkp]
  • Guató [gta]
  • Kamakã [vkm]
  • Karajá [kpj]
  • Maxakalí [mbl]
  • Ofayé [opy]
  • Purí [prr]
  • Rikbaktsá [rkb]
  • Yabutí group:
    • Arikapú [ark]
    • Jabutí [jbt]
  • Oti [oti]

With the exception of Chiquitano, which is spoken in Bolivia , all of these languages ​​are spoken in Brazil .



  • Dolair A. Callai, Lidia I. Allebrandt (Eds.): Vocabulário Kaingang-Português. Editora Unijuí, Ijuí 2001.
  • J. Alden Mason: The languages ​​of South American Indians. In: Julian H. Steward (Ed.): Handbook of South American Indians. Volume 6: Physical anthropology, linguistics and cultural geography of South American Indians. United States Government Printing Office, Washington DC 1950, pp. 157-319.
  • Aryon D. Rodrigues: Macro-Jê. In: Robert MW Dixon , Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (Eds.): The Amazonian Languages. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 1999, ISBN 0-521-57021-2 , pp. 165-206.
  • Ursula Wiesemann: The phonological and grammatical structure of the Kaingáng language (= Janua linguarum. Series practica. 90, ISSN  0075-3130 ). Mouton, The Hague et al. 1972, (At the same time: Cologne, University, dissertation, 1966).
  • Ursula Wiesemann: The pronoun systems of some Jê and Macro-Jê languages. In: Ursula Wiesemann (Ed.): Pronominal Systems (= Continuum. 5). Narr, Tübingen 1986, ISBN 3-87808-335-1 .

Web links

  • Macro Ge. In: M. Paul Lewis, Gary F. Simons, Charles D. Fennig (Eds.): Ethnologue. Languages ​​of the World. 19th edition. Online version. SIL International, Dallas TX 2016.