Francis Borrey

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Francis Maurice Borrey (born April 8, 1904 in Besançon , † 1976 ) was a French doctor and politician .


Francis Borrey doctorate in 1930 in Paris to a medical doctor . From 1931 to 1945 he worked as a surgeon for the French colonial troops , including several years in the colony of Niger . Under his direction, the Niamey hospital in the Nigerien capital was expanded into a full hospital in 1943.

Borrey, who described himself as an independent socialist , was one of the founders of the Nigerien Progress Party (PPN-RDA), the first political party in Niger , in 1946 . In the elections for Niger's representative in the National Assembly of France in 1946, he came in second behind his PPN-RDA colleague Hamani Diori . Borrey served as MP for Niger in the Assembly of the French Union from 1947 to 1953 . In 1950 Borrey founded mobile medical units in order to combat tuberculosis, which is particularly threatening to the nomadic population of Niger . Politically, he switched from the PPN-RDA to the Union of Independent Nigerians and Sympathizers (UNIS), which is close to the colonial power . He was one of the most prominent UNIS leaders and dominated the party, which was increasingly shaken by internal crises, until 1955 when Adamou Mayaki , Issoufou Saïdou Djermakoye and their supporters left UNIS.

Borrey became Director General of the Paris Research and Information Center on Problems of People in Arid Zones. From 1960 to 1966 he was a member of the French Economic and Social Council. He also worked as General Director of the French Society of the New Hebrides .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Francis Borrey (1904–1976). In: Bibliothèque nationale de France , 23 March 2016, accessed on 3 July 2016 (French).
  2. a b Claude Fluchard: Le PPN-RDA et la décolonisation du Niger, 1946-1960 . L'Harmattan, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-7384-3100-3 , pp. 51 .
  3. ^ A b Edmond Séré de Rivières: Histoire du Niger . Berger-Levrault, Paris 1965, p. 278 .
  4. ^ A b Abdourahmane Idrissa, Samuel Decalo: Historical Dictionary of Niger . 4th edition. Scarecrow, Plymouth 2012, ISBN 978-0-8108-6094-0 , pp. 102-103 .