Botswana border

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The boundaries of Botswana with neighboring countries are 4347.15 km long.


Botswana has four neighboring states:

  • Namibia with a border length of about 1544 km,
  • Zambia with about 0.15 km,
  • Zimbabwe with a border length of about 834 km,
  • South Africa with a border length of about 1969 km.


Zambezi River borders of Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe & Botswana.jpg

At the point where the Cuando and Zambezi rivers meet, the state borders of Botswana-Namibia-Zambia and Zambia-Zimbabwe-Botswana meet about 100 meters away. Apparently a four-country triangle Namibia-Zambia-Zimbabwe-Botswana is emerging . However, the demarcation is controversial - in one variant it is a real quadrangle.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Botswana - Geography. CIA World Fact Book. Retrieved September 18, 2018.
  2. Badische Zeitung , just ask! February 9, 2008: Limits of Adjacent
  3. according to Google Maps as of 2010
  4. In addition, river boundaries can constantly change due to natural shifts in the river bed.