Boukary Sabo

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Boukary Sabo (* 1924 in Dan Amaria ; also Boukari Sabo ) is a Nigerien politician.


Boukary Sabo was born in the village of Dan Amaria, which is now part of the Mayahi parish . He did his military service from 1947 to 1948. After he had already worked as a teacher before, he then became director of the newly founded elementary school in Diffa and in 1956 took over the management of the elementary school in Illéla .

In 1959, Boukary Sabo was elected to the National Assembly as a PPN-RDA MP for Tessaoua County. President Hamani Diori appointed him to the government on November 23, 1965, initially as Minister for Information and Youth. On January 15, 1970, he became Minister of Public Service and Labor, and on August 17, 1972, he became Minister of Foreign Affairs .

On April 15, 1974, Hamani Diori was deposed by Seyni Kountché in a coup. Boukary Sabo was arrested like most ministers. He was initially held in the Tondibiah military camp in Niamey and then placed under house arrest in Niamey. After a stay in hospital, he was flown to France . After Seyni Kountché's death in 1987, Boukary Sabo settled in Mayahi, where his brother was head of the canton, and devoted himself to agriculture. In 1989 he founded a non-governmental organization for the construction of wells.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ André Salifou: Biographie politique de Hamani Diori. Premier President de la République du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0202-9 , pp. 294-295.
  2. ^ Cérémonie de prize d'armes, suivie de décoration des anciens députés de la première législature du Niger, à l'occasion de la Fête de la République. Le Sahel , December 19, 2012, accessed July 5, 2013 (French).