Bozena Anna Badura

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Bozena Anna Badura (* 1978 in Tarnowskie Góry , Poland ) is a freelance literary critic and scholar as well as literary mediator and presenter.

She lives and works in the Ruhr area and the Lower Rhine .

life and work

Bozena Anna Badura studied German and business administration in Poland and Germany. 2013 she was at the University of Mannheim with a working Normalized madness? PhD Aspects of Madness in the Early 19th Century Novel on Functions of Mad Characters. In 2009 and 2010 she worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Virginia . She received several scholarships from the Goethe Society in Weimar. After stopping over at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences and the University of Mannheim, she has been a lecturer at the University of Duisburg-Essen and as a lecturer for literature at the VHS Essen since 2016 .

Since 2014 Bozena Badura has designed and moderated various cultural events. In the joint project , it has been offering new German-language debut novels a stage since 2014 (also as part of the reading series Das Debüt im Livres ) and praises the blogger prize for literature Das Debut des Jahres . Since 2018 she has been organizing the event Foreign Literature Worlds? Book fair guest country in conversation , a literary event organized by the Ruhr Literary Society. Since 2019 she has been the first chairwoman of the Moers Society for the Promotion of Literary Life and a board member of the Literary Society Ruhr . Since 2019 she has been running her own website, on which she strives for a connection between literary criticism and literary studies and reports on current new publications and excellent German-language novels. It belongs to the Ruhr Literature Network Network .

She is also a member of the jury of the Ruhr Literature Prize , in the Stadt.Land.Text project, and a specialist literature consultant on the committee at the Niederrhein cultural area .

She writes literature reviews etc. for

Fonts (selection)


  • Normalized madness? Aspects of Madness in the Early Nineteenth Century Novel. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8379-2440-4 (Dissertation University of Mannheim 2013, 259 pages).

Editing and publications in edited volumes

  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2018): The aesthetic reduction of the narrative and the immersion in contemporary German and Polish debut novels . In: Transfer. Reception studies (2017), No. 2
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2016): Germany in the intoxication of “Morphine” by Szczepan Twardoch - How German can a Polish novel be? In: Transfer. Reception studies (2016), No. 1, pp. 235–252. DOI:
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2016): Hybrid literature. In: Slavic literatures as world literature. Berlin: De Gruyter (in preparation)
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2015): Polska Literatura pisana po niemiecku. Recepcja literartury na pograniczu culture. Na przykladzie powiesci Artura Beckera "The Heart of Chopin" In: Studia Neofilologiczne (2015), z. XI, 161-173.
  • Badura, Bozena Anna, Tillmann F. Kreuzer (eds.) (2014): Superbia. Arrogance and pride in culture and literature . Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. Inside: the scent of postmodern society. Arrogance and narcissism in Patrick Süskind's novel Perfume. Pp. 113-141.
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2014): On the way to becoming an author. Kleist's early correspondence as the young writer's writing workshop. In: Günter Blamberger, Ingo, Breuer, Wolfgang de Bruyn and Klaus Müller-Salget (eds.): Kleist yearbook 2014. Stuttgart / Weimar: Verlag JB Metzler. Pp. 129-143.
  • Badura, Bozena Anna, Weber, Kathrin (ed.) (2013): Ira - Wut und Zorn in Kultur und Zorn . Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. In it: Figures of Anger, Figures of Anger, pp. 141–175. And: depictions of anger and anger in Heinrich von Kleist's narrative, pp. 251–291.
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2012): The depiction of Poles, Germans and Jews in the German and Polish novels of the 19th century. Using the example of Gustav Freytag's Debit and Credit and Władysław Reymont's Ziemia obiecana. In: Monika Kucner (ed.): Poles, Germans and Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries: Literature - Culture - Language . Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego. Pp. 19-32.
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2011): The representation of simultaneity in contemporary literature. In: Critical discourse and linguistic variation: new investigation perspectives: receptions, analyzes, opening / Kritischer Diskurs und Sprachvariation. New research perspectives: ways of reception, analysis and opening. International conference. September 8-9, 2010 , Suceava. / coord .: Mircea A. Diaconu, Rodica Nagy. Suceava (Editura Universitatii Stefan cel Mare).
  • Badura, Bozena Anna (2011): Between wife and mother. The apparent absence of jealousy in Goethe's elective affinities. Using the example of Charlotte. In: Tillmann F. Kreuzer, Kathrin Weber (ed.): Invidia - jealousy and envy in culture and literature. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. Pp. 89-113.

Reviews (selection)

Web links