Bracha Fuld

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Bracha Fuld

Bracha (Barbara) Fuld (born December 26, 1927 in Berlin ; † March 24, 1946 in Tel Aviv ) was a German-born Jewish fighter and commander of the Palmach . Her early death during the guerrilla war against the British army made her a symbol of the Jewish resistance.


Barbara Fuld was born in Berlin, her father, Lothar Fuld, was an officer in the First World War . After the seizure of power of the Nazis , the pressure on the Jewish family grew. Lothar Fuld committed suicide in 1938 after the November pogroms , the rest of the family ended up in British-occupied Palestine via the Netherlands and England and lived in Tel Aviv. The German name Barbara was changed to the Hebrew word Bracha , which means blessing , after emigrating . After finishing school, Bracha entered the Palmach in 1944. At the end of March 1946, the Wingate refugee ship with 250 illegal Jewish immigrants headed for the League of Nations mandate for Palestine . Fuld commanded a small unit of eight fighters to secure a road on which the refugees were to escape. The British Army foiled this plan. Bracha Fuld was killed in this action.

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