Coat of arms rotifer

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Coat of arms rotifer

Coat of arms rotifer ( Brachionus calyciflorus )

Class : Eurotatoria
Subclass : Monogononta
Order : Ploima
Family : Brachionidae
Genre : Brachionus
Type : Coat of arms rotifer
Scientific name
Brachionus calyciflorus
Pallas , 1766

The heraldic rotifer ( Brachionus calyciflorus ) is a species from the genus Brachionus from the tribe of the rotifers (Rotatoria). B. calcyflorus shows cyclic parthenogenesis (sexual and asexual reproduction), a transition to obligatory parthenogenesis is possible. Due to this property, the rotifer is also used in biological research.


The foot is long and flexible. There are four spines anteriorly, 0–2 spines posteriorly. Males are smaller than females. Subspecies are e.g. B. B. c. var. pala and B. c. var. dorcas .


Brachionus calyciflorus is widespread in planktonic lakes and smaller bodies of water.

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Streble , Dieter Krauter : Life in the water drop. Microflora and microfauna of freshwater. An identification book. 10th edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-440-10807-4 .
  2. Stelzer, CP (2008): Obligate asex in a rotifer and the role of sexual signals . Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (1): 287-293
  3. ^ Pontin, RM (1978): A key to british freshwater planktonic rotifera . Freshwater Biological Association. ISSN  0367-1887

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