Brazilian trunk roads

The Brazilian highways ( port. : Rodovias ) are divided into Brazilian federal state borders across highways ( rodovias federais ) and the highways of the states ( rodovias estaduais ).
Federal highways
Their designation begins with the initials BR , followed by a three-digit number. The representation in maps and in traffic signs usually takes the form of a heraldic shield . Federal roads are, depending on the requirements, built like a motorway with median strips and junctions with no elevation or as a highway . Not all routes are paved.

In 2011, the total length of the federal highways was 61,961 km, which corresponds to around 7% of the entire Brazilian road network.
The Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) is responsible for the fight against crime, traffic control and safety on the federal highways.
The federal highways and their numbering are numbered according to their geographical course:
Radial federal highways
Radial federal highways ( Portuguese : Rodovia Radiais ) begin in Brasília and run radially over the Brazilian federal territory. Their numerical identification begins with a zero (0) and the following two-digit numbering ranges from 05 to 95 and increases in a clockwise direction, with only multiples of ten (10) being used up to now. The BR-010 runs north and the BR-070 runs west.
The kilometering begins on the Anel Viário de Brasília ring road ( DF-001 ) in Brasília.
Longitudinal federal roads
Longitudinal federal roads (Portuguese: Rodovia Longitudinais ) run in a north-south direction and begin with the number one (1). The BR-101 runs along the Brazilian Atlantic coast from north to south. The BR-158 runs in the same direction inland. The kilometering begins in the south.
Transversal federal highways
Transversal federal highways (Portuguese: Rodovia Transversais ) run in an east-west direction and begin with the number 2.
For example the Transamazônica with the designation BR-230
Diagonal federal highways
Diagonal federal highways ( Portuguese : Rodovia Diagonais ) run in northeast-southwest ( NE -SW) or northwest-southeast (NW-SE) direction and begin with the number three (3). Northwest-facing federal highways end with an odd number, NW-SE running with an even number.
Connecting federal highways
Connection resp. connecting federal roads ( Portuguese : Rodovia de Ligação ) begin with a 4 and mark a federal road which connects two of the federal roads above.
The kilometer count starts again at zero when you cross a state line. This is another reason why the two-digit ISO code of the state is appended to the official name of a federal highway. BR-070- MT is the name of the federal road section in Mato Grosso .
State roads
All states have a network of state roads that also ensure the connection of smaller towns. Some federal and state roads also run on the same route.
Web links
- Overview map of Brazilian federal highways ( ZIP ; 6.5 MB)
- DNIT: road maps of the Brazilian states (Mapas Rodoviários)
- Department of Polícia Rodoviária
Individual evidence
- ↑ Brazilian Ministry of Transport: List of Brazilian federal highways ( memento of March 10, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 22, 2011
- ↑ Confederação Nacional do Transporte: Plano CNT de Transporte e Logística 2011, Chapter 3.4 ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , pdf (55 MB), accessed on May 22, 2011
- ↑ Logística Descomplicada: Infraestrutura das rodovias no Brasil , accessed on May 23, 2011
- ↑ DNIT: Nomenclature of Brazilian federal highways (port.), Accessed on May 22, 2011