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Wrought iron crowbar
Crowbar ( cow foot )

The crowbar or the crowbar is a simple tool to break up, lifting and moving. Their effect is based on the law of leverage . It consists of a solid, sufficiently large rod made of metal , usually steel . One end is used to grip, the other end is flat so you can get into tight crevices and angled so you can pry. Originally served crushing bar in stone fractures to the breaking of rubble stone .

The crowbars used by the fire brigade or the technical relief organization (there this type is called box chisels ) are round, approximately 30 millimeter thick steel bars and have a length of 700, 1200 or 1800 millimeters.

Heavy crowbars sometimes have a massive pair of iron rollers on both sides in the area of ​​the kink, which allow for more gentle lifting of the box and floor, but also for moving loads when they are "lifted on rollers".


The balancing tree is a special type of crowbar .

Another special type of crowbar that has been adopted by the US fire services in recent years is the Halligan tool named after the inventor Hugh Halligan . Three different blades (cow's foot claw at an angle of 30 ° to the handle, wedge and spike at an angle of 90 ° to the handle) enable the door to be opened and other technical assistance.

Known from the carpentry and building trade, the cow foot , also known as a nail iron, has a wedge-shaped gap in the middle through which you can penetrate further and on both sides under the heads of nails and screws. Often one also finds combined tools that on the one hand carry a cow's foot and on the other hand resemble a crowbar.

Colloquial language

Metaphorically speaking, a “crowbar” approach is used when an attempt is made to achieve a goal with primitive, drastic means, regardless of side effects.

See also

Also function similarly rounded Montiereisen clincher lifter or about for O-rings or electronic plug-in elements.

Web links

Commons : Crowbars  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files
Wiktionary: crowbar  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations