Bremen Prize for Local Research

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The Bremen Prize for Local Research is awarded in Bremen by their scientific associations and awarded as part of an event organized by Wittheit zu Bremen .


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Bremen Natural Science Association , the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen donated the Senate Prize for Natural History Research in 1954 . In the 1970s the prize was expanded to include all areas of local history research . The prize was awarded in this form until the 1990s. The number of applications from the group of lay research was increasingly missing. As a result, no prize money has been made available by the Senator for Science and Art since 1996.

The natural science association with the societies and associations of historians, prehistorians, geographers and folklorists in Bremen have agreed to jointly re-award the Bremen Prize for Local History Research in order to promote scientific engagement with the region. In doing so, lay research is to be particularly encouraged and examination, diploma and master's theses are to be included in order to strengthen the topics of local research at the universities.

Every year a prize of 2,400 euros is awarded for outstanding work in the field of natural science, cultural studies or social science local research. The selection from the submitted work is made by a committee, which can call in other expert reviewers if necessary. The award is made by Wittheit zu Bremen.

Award winners


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