Brigitte Kelker

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Brigitte Kelker (born February 7, 1962 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German legal scholar and lawyer .

She did her doctorate in 1992 with Ernst Amadeus Wolff in Frankfurt am Main . In 2005 Kelker completed his habilitation under Kristian Kühl at the University of Tübingen . After several professorships, she held a professorship for criminal law, criminal procedural law and legal philosophy at the University of Trier from the summer semester 2009 to the winter semester 2011/12 . Brigitte Kelker has been working as a lawyer in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse since April 1, 2012 .

In her academic work, Kelker approaches the problems of criminal law dogmatics from a legal-philosophical perspective. Above all, it builds on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant .

Fonts (selection)

  • The coercion emergency. Berlin 1993, ISBN 978-3-428-07706-9
  • The situation of prostitutes in criminal law and a free understanding of law - consideration of the situation according to the 26th Criminal Law Amendment Act. In: KritV. 1993, pp. 289-312.
  • Permission circumstance and permit error - a systematic discussion. In: Law. 2006, pp. 591-597.
  • The role of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings - an objective judicial authority or a “partial” lawyer for the state? In: ZStW. Volume 118, 2006, pp. 389-426.
  • On the legitimacy of attitudes in criminal law. Frankfurt 2007, ISBN 978-3-465-03512-1
  • Where does the BGH want to go to the witness prosecutor? At the same time a discussion of the BGH decision of October 24, 2007 - 1 StR 480/07. In: Defense lawyer. 2008, pp. 381-386.
  • War crimes under Art. 8 Rome Statute. In: GreifRecht. Volume 3, 2008, pp. 21-32.
  • Online demonstrations - a case of “additive complicity”? In: Goltdammer's archive for criminal law. Volume 156, 2009, pp. 86-97.
  • The criminal liability of legal persons under European competitive pressure. In: Hans Ludwig Günther u. a. (Ed.): Festschrift for Volker Krey on his 70th birthday. Stuttgart 2010, pp. 221-247, ISBN 978-3-17-021511-5

Web links


  1. Cf. for example in the habilitation thesis Kelker, On the legitimacy of disposition features in criminal law, 2007, 339 ff.