Brigitte Schröder

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Brigitte Schröder (right) with Kriemhilde Barzel, the wife of Rainer Barzel .

Brigitte Schröder born Landsberg (born July 28, 1917 in Breslau ; † October 27, 2000 in Bonn ) had been the wife of the German politician Gerhard Schröder ( CDU ) since 1941 .

According to the Nuremberg Laws, she was considered a “ first-degree hybrid ”. The wedding was therefore only possible with a special permit from the Wehrmacht. Amazingly, this was exhibited even though Gerhard Schröder had left the NSDAP in the same year .

Brigitte Schröder worked on a voluntary basis in many functions. She was a member of the city council of Düsseldorf for 13 years , was also presbyter in the Matthäi congregation and founded the working group of Protestant parents and educators. After moving to Bonn in 1962, she founded the women's and family services at the Federal Foreign Office .

In 1969 she founded Evangelische Krankenhaus-Hilfe (EKH), which she ran for 27 years until she handed over management to Gabriele Trull in 1996. Today more than 11,000 “ Green Ladies and Gentlemen” work in the EKH.

In 1985 Brigitte Schröder was made an honorary member of the Order of St. John for her services . In 1993 she received the Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia . In 2016 a street in Bonn was named after her.

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Individual evidence

  1. Merit holders since 1986. (pdf; 92kB) State Chancellery of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, accessed on March 11, 2017 .
  2. ^ Brigitte-Schröder-Strasse in the Bonn street cadastre