Pointed headed emerald armored catfish

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Pointed headed emerald armored catfish
Fish at Louisville Zoo 025.jpg

Pointed-headed emerald armored catfish ( Corydoras multiradiatus )

Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Subfamily : Armored catfish (Corydoradinae)
Genre : Corydoras
Type : Pointed headed emerald armored catfish
Scientific name
Corydoras multiradiatus
( Orcés V. , 1960)

The pointed head emerald catfish ( Corydoras multiradiatus , Syn. : Brochis multiradiatus , Chaenothorax multiradiatus ) is a species from the family of callichthyidae (Callichthyidae), which at the western end of the Amazon basin in the current area of the upper Napo , in Ecuador and Peru occurs .


The pointed head emerald armored catfish reaches a maximum body length of up to 12 cm and is similar in shape and color to the emerald armored catfish ( Corydoras splendens ). It differs from him in the more pointed snout, the larger maximum length (7.5 (♀) and 9 cm (♂) in Corydoras splendens ) and a dorsal fin supported by more fin rays (1 ossified hard ray and 15 to 17 soft rays in the pointed head emerald armored catfish vs. 1 and 11–12 in Corydoras splendens ). Above the center line of the body there are 25 bone plates in the pointed headed emerald catfish (24 in Corydoras splendens ), below there are 23 (22 in Corydoras splendens ) and only one bone plate (one or two in Corydoras splendens ) separates the dorsal fin from the adipose fin .

Web links

Commons : Corydoras multiradiatus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Hans-Jochim Franke: Handbook of Welskunde. Urania-Verlag, 1985.